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Back to School Social- Vision Board Night

Fri, Jan 24 at 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Lake Claire

When: Friday, January 24th, 2025, 3:00 pm-5:00 pm

Where: Lake Claire, located on campus, at the end of Greek Park Drive. 

About: Come out and join us at Lake Claire for a vision board night! Envision your Spring semester; supplies will be provided!

Attire: Appropriate/Casual Attire

Hours: 2 Hours 

Bonus: Show your NSSLHA Spirit! Wear your NSSLHA gear to be awarded an additional hour for new merch and 30 minutes for past merch!

Corresponding Officer: Jayla Rodriguez-Benitez ([email protected])

**In order to receive credit, you MUST RSVP on KnightConnect and complete the attendance form Please do so within a timely manner to ensure accurate record of your hours!**

** Please be sure to update your RSVP status if you can no longer attend the event or you will be deducted the number of hours you would have gained at the event**
Organized by National Student Speech Language Hearing Association (NSSLHA) - Orlando